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Canada Carbon Rebate for Small Businesses

The Canada Carbon Rebate for Small Businesses is a refundable tax credit which is designed to return a portion of federal fuel charge proceeds directly to eligible Canadian-controlled private corporations (CCPCs).

You do not need to apply for this rebate. If you are eligible, you will automatically receive the payment.


How much am I going to receive?

There are eligibility rules which should be reviewed first. Your corporation must be a CCPC;  have filed your Corporate tax return for each of the qualifying years;  had less than 500 employees;  AND have employees in one or more designated province.  Ontario is a designated province.


The following data pertains to ONTARIO - the amounts shown are per employee


2019   $26

2020  $68

2021   $75

2022  $86

2023  $146


Calculate your rebate by taking the # of employees in each year and multiply by the per employee rate.

CRA has quite a useful link for the CCR for Small Businesses









It's never too soon to prepare ...

Before we know it 2025 will be here and it will be time to do your taxes.
Watch the website for changes that might affect you and for some tax saving tips!

LRH Larry R Hemeryck
CPA Professional Corporation

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